• 参观羊驼牧场


Whats up with Rising Sun

Rising Sun

I’m a bit of celebrity around the farm and on social media. My fleece is super soft and luxurious, but even more than that, I’m apparently a one-of-a-kind, perfect specimen of an alpaca! I’m also as lovable as I am handsome, so pop into Shamarra Alpacas for a tour and a pat.

Whats up with Harlequin


A glamorous damsel through and through, I’m a big fan of being groomed well ahead of a photo op (your next selfie on a farm tour). My big eyes look even better when my fleece is on fleek. And I’ve been known to wear the odd denim jacket or hat, depending on the season.

But don’t be intimidated by my flair for fashion; I’m always up for a solid cuddle like my other friends.

Whats up with Tornado


I absolutely adore wee human kiddos and alpaca babies alike! Arguably the friendliest of all the furry faces here at Shamarra, I like to get visits and snuggles year-round.


欢迎来到新西兰阿卡罗瓦,邂逅我们屡获大奖的温顺羊驼。 我们的羊驼非常可爱、镜头感十足,喜欢与人互动。








  • 我们首先简要介绍羊驼和它们奇特的习惯。在谷仓以一头羊驼为例简述安全须知,您还有机会与“新朋友”亲密接触。
  • 接下来将展示屡获大奖的羊驼毛制品,您可一边感受无比柔软细致的羊驼毛,一边了解其卓越出众的优异品质。
  • 然后,我们将带您走近羊驼的放牧群,您可与这些在自然栖息地中惬意生活着的温顺羊驼愉快互动。
  • 给带着宝宝的羊驼妈妈喂食。这是与羊驼亲密接触并拍摄精彩照片的绝佳机会。
  • 阿卡罗瓦港绝美迷人的风景,随手一拍都是令人惊叹的摄影作品,您可充分利用这次机会,为牧场游之旅留下难忘的回忆。
  • 游览后,您将返回接待处,享用饮料和莎玛拉著名的自制饼干。
  • 浏览羊驼商店里令人惊叹的天然奢华100%无染色羊驼针织品,莎玛拉牧场独家销售。
  • 这里展示的毛毯、披风、冷帽、围巾和针织衫,全世界唯有在莎玛拉牧场才能买到!
活动时长: 1小时
价格每人$50 / 儿童(4岁-15岁)每人$25

请务必Book Now提前预订


遇见我们的超级明星——Rising Sun、Austin、Dominator、Equador和它们的伙伴。







牧场主安雅 (Anya) 和弗兰克 (Frank) 于2004年建立莎玛拉羊驼牧场,当时他们只有5头羊驼。 如今,这里有160多头来自世界各地的羊驼,年产4吨羊驼毛,部分羊驼毛专门用于制作新西兰莎玛拉美丽而独特的针织品!



羊驼起源于秘鲁白雪覆顶的高山沙漠之中。 几千年前正是在那里,秘鲁的古代先民驯化了羊驼——这一地球上最美丽的动物。


Shamarra Alpacas view over Akaroa
  • “The Alpacas are crazy cute and have their unique character! The guide was super knowledgeable and friendly! Not forgetting the awesome views but you would be so busy and distracted by the lovely Alpacas. Totally worth the $$$.”

    Wen Jin Lee, Google Review – December 2024

  • “We had a wonderful time interacting with the alpacas! The team were incredibly knowledgeable and helpful, it definitely is a must do experience!”

    Farah, Bookme Review – December 2023

  • After discovering this place before COVID and postponing a 2020 trip, I can genuinely say it was worth the wait! Turning the curves of the mountains and seeing the Akaroa peninsula, it's like heaven on earth. We had gorgeous weather, and coupled with the views, it made for a perfect visit to see the alpacas. On the tour, you travel to different pens, seeing the different animals. They each have their own personality and their fur is unbelievably soft. I highly recommend making a stop at Shamarra, and don't think a New Zealand vacation will be complete without it!

    Rebekah, Google Review – January 2024

  • “The staff were absolutely amazing. They took such good care of us and made the experience very enjoyable. Worth every penny. Would definitely recommend to anyone visiting Akaroa!”

    Julia, Google Review – March 2024

  • “If you are an animal lover, a visit to Shamarra Alpacas is one of the very best ways you can spend an hour!!! The staff are incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable, sharing so much interesting information about their beautiful alpacas. The alpacas are simply amazing - from cuddles with the boys to feeding the girls and babies, being surrounded by the amazing animals brings so much joy!!!! Akaroa is a beautiful little part of New Zealand, and Shamarra Alpacas are just the icing in the cake!”

    Cassie V, Google Review – April 2024
